The Pecos River Valley Cooperative supports Buena Vista ISD with special populations.
Click on the link for more information on PRVC Staff
Clink on the link to REQUEST FOR SPED SERVICES Assessment (Parent Request)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended in 2004, requires schools to provide parents of a child with a disability with a notice containing a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available under IDEA and its implementing regulations. This document, produced by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), is intended to meet this notice requirement and help parents of children with disabilities understand their rights under IDEA.
This guide is designed to give you, as the parent of a child who is or may be eligible for special education services, a better understanding of the special education process and of your procedural rights and responsibilities so that you will be able to fully participate in the decision making process regarding your child’s education.
Texas Transition Guide & Employment Guide
Texas Transition Guide & Employment Guide (Spanish)
Child Find
Resources for Special Education
Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services
Evaluaciones Retrasadas o Denegadas & Servicios Compensatorios
Parents Guide to ARD--
Notice of Procedural Safeguards--
**NEW 2021 Dyslexia Handbook